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I've found a bug,like this.It always appears after i invited sarah to have foods.And it causes sarah cann't gain weight and the realation to me(maybe i just donn't how to gain weight with sarah).

Can you please check this error?

Then,i still cann't meet kira.I could meet kira in the most early verison,but in these latest verisons i cann't find her.I really need somenone tell me how to trigger this event. 3Q!

I'll look into that

The BUG appear as i Procrastinate and invite sarah to have foods.

After we eat foods.

Error:<<set>>: bad evaluation:(Statevariables.Sarah.lbs+ randomFloat(...)).toFixed is not a function

This has been fixed in the update that will becoming out today

(1 edit)

What was changed in the update because it seems to be exactly identical to the previous version or is there an event I haven't came across? Well outside of the customize feature at the beginning of the game.

imgs dont work for me

In the weight gaming page I saw the explanation for how lust and self-esteem work as mechanics. This may sound dumb but how exactly does the gluttony mind-alter work as a mechanic?

It basically would increases an NPC's gluttony, which affects their passive weight gain as well as events with said NPC. 

I like the way the game is and I look forward to seeing its progress. It seems that many things are missing, but what it has is very interesting, although the food production is very unbalanced.

Thank you for the kind words, and yeah, food production is unbalanced and it needs to be worked on, well, most of the game needs to be worked on. But we'll get to it eventually.

An idea could be to be able to put curses on those who cause you displeasure. Examples could be like a never ending hunger on the victim or the victim slowly swelling up with fat. I could see these being an alternate punishment for the scene with the panter or when the player is upset by the constant flow of food by May or Seinkia (court mage). To prevent things from getting out of hand or if the player finds the curse lasted long enough there should be a way to end the curse.


This is a pretty cool game and everything but what’s with all the anti-furry stuff? If you don’t like them so much you could’ve just not added those options at all

Well, we found it kind of funny to add those options. It's not that we don't like them, it's just funny to pretend like it. Sometimes we get bored with development and like to add things like that.

Some sections will show a prompt like this:

Error: <<silently>>: error within contents (Error: cannot execute macro <<if>>: malformed closing tag: "<</if <<set $spend += $gobevent.Extortion>>")


Is there a way to get the images to load? I've tried the browser version and downloaded version but neither would load the images


Hey, I think I probably found an issue with the new update. No matter what i do I can't seem to be able to increase the charm level, even though I could do it was possible previously. Is there a new mechanic to increase charm or is it bugged?


What was added with this update? Is it a continuation of the dragon scenario or just bug fixes?

Also an pair of ideas I have is the ability to hold a banquet or to stroll through the town to get a view of citizen's figures and quality of life.

(1 edit)

found a bug in Sarah passive gain

<<if $Sarah.doublefoodBonus is gt 1>>. Should be 

if $Sarah.doublefoodBonus gt 1. It's causing it to throw an error 

There's also a bug in end of week. There's an if statement that end with a <</if instead of <</if>>

I love the updated scene where may gets stuck since you can use the personality alter on her which leads to a quite spicy segment. I hope we get more of the personality alter soon. I also look forward to the stuffing option becoming useable in the scene mentioned before. I also hope we get the continuation of the dragon story segment. I look forward to the upcoming updates.

Ah awesome, so a new update was released! So, what has changed and what has been added, if I may ask?

Mostly just some bug fixes.

Does the storyline with Erica work? If so, through what events can this be seen?


Why do none of the pictures work?

Hey I'm really enjoying your game so far, even with much of the content still a WIP.

Speaking if which, are the patreon exclusive updates ever going to become public? and If so, when?

So the updates on the patreon usually come out about 2 weeks after they come out on the patreon. 

Nice game! I do have some suggestions though
1. if we get a court jester maybe they can mix around with some of Annette's potions and create new ones
2. an area to enter Annette's workshop and ask her for certain potions 
3. with the ability to get any potion, you can put some growth potion in the water supplies
4. perhaps being able to catch a peasant stealing in the courtyard and punishing them by either stuffing them or getting Erica to vore them

Good ideas

(2 edits)

If I may ask do you plan to add descriptions of other characters gaining weight affecting their clothing like how Erica's will? Are we going to see flirtatious dialogue options for characters like vanessa and Madeline close on the roadmap?

Also a few ideas could be adding a head maid for handling castle interior logistics and decor, the choice of region of where the kingdom is located, and adding newer races after the goblin that is in the opening screen with examples of oni and kitsune from Japanese culture or maybe some other semi-human based species like lamia, harpy, or mermaid maybe?

Yes, I do plan on expanding the clothing to all NPC's and the player. Not sure about seeing flirtatious dialogue. I like the ideas.

the game is nice, but there are several parts in WIP, when will you fix them?

Fun game but when can i download for Android?

An idea could be that you can cause an obesity pandemic through a wide area of effect of the weight loss spell or through something involving annette's growth potion having side effects on the crops or creates over production of crops.

I like that idea

is it possible to unlock all the spells?

yes, but you can't use some of them yet

you should add an option to attempt to move that appears once you reach immobility

Good idea

do you plan to add species-specific events to the game?

Not at the moment but maybe in time


At long (hopefully not) Last, 2.0.0, Very excited for whats new.


How do you interact with the dragon after the guards come in the throne room


What dragon? I haven't encountered it.


I had the event I think the event is still wip.

what did you do to trigger the event?

It is just one of the random court room events.


So that event chain is still a work in progress, the next Patreon update is going to expand on it, or the update after next for the public updates


thanks for clearing up my confusion 


What got added with this update or is this just a template for the next set of updates?


i have to ask, why the pictures is not showing?


You can't see pictures without downloading it.

theres a bug where when i get introduced to midnight while holding court my intellegence gets put back to ten

(2 edits) (+3)

I want to ask if there is a bug with Erica's weight gain where after she becomes a bit plump she becomes anorexic for every appearance check even though she weighs 900lbs. I also hope you finish the events where you help may get unstuck and have the encounter with ebrietas finish up where you interact with her and return to the castle. I also noticed that midnight and sarah have a similar problem like erica but they gain weight at a rapid rate reaching their immobility stages after a regular meal.

I also have a few suggestions for additions.

1. Have a way to make ebrietas a guest to the castle after the first encounter with her. Like a temporary summon for a day or two.

2. Have a personal tailor npc to create different outfits options depending on what the character will do. Possibly two gender options like the aid and marshal where the female tailor can be fattened up.

3. When May starts to struggle with her duty have the option to hire additional aids like the comment suggests when she is barely mobile. Maybe have a few of the new aids be able to gain weight?

4. Add interactions with midnight, kira, vanessa, the panter, and madeline out side of events that include them that the player can initiate in specific locations.

5. Have seikana (probably spelt wrong) be able to gain weight.

6. Add a spell that enhances the players body to where they can handle more weight before becoming immobile and have the amount of weight that can be handled increase with the spell becoming more potent.

7. Have the teleport spell be used on other characters that are struggling with mobility.

perhaps a scene where if you see a peasant stealing you can punish them by voring them or stuffing them?

the extra large door update isn't showing??

You probably don't have enough money for it to appear, you need 5k gold.

Is there gonna be an android port?


If I may ask when should Erica be properly implemented to where you can actually interact with her? When should madeline receive descriptions for her larger weight levels? Also do you plan to add characters that you can transfer weight to and if so who should we expect first?

I don't have a time line for any of that stuff, right now. But yes we do plan on adding more characters to transfer weight to, and we'll probably rework the whole system when we do add new characters to it. 

Thanks for the reply. Good to see even the older stuff is getting updated.

I saw there was a question regarding the demons on the other forum I want to ask how far along are they in progress and when should we expect to see them get added since their images are already in the files?

(1 edit)

Um, good question. Honestly that on the back burner at the moment, but If people keep asking me this I'll probably move it to a higher priority.

I was just curious but thanks for your response.

I like the game and the progress of the updates made. I have a few ideas of things to implement. 

1. Be able to visit the other royal court members rooms to talk and interact. 

2. The ability to invite court npcs to your room for interactions.

3. Being able to invite court members to join you for a meal besides may and erica.

4. A dancer character or another type of entertainer character to add to the court and fatten up.

5. Have a few npcs be able to reach an immobility stage and above.

6. Add a hotspring area to the spa and be able to invite other characters to the spa/ or have events where a character is already at the spa area.

Love all of these ideas. We are actually in the progress of adding the ability  to invite court members to join you for a meal. Right now I'm finishing up Sarah, well finishing up most of her options for the patreon update, but she, along with midnight, have a few dining options in the public update tomorrow. 

Glad that you enjoy my ideas if I come up with anything else I will post again. Keep up the good work I enjoy the progress.

This game is great! but there are some problems like the court not showing anyone after a few times and in the library if you choose to transfer weight it says may is wip when madeleine isn't finished

I do have some suggestions like maybe when annette opens her workshop maybe you could add a section in the castle and ask her for specific potions to use

I like that idea. Also, sorry about the areas of the game that aren't finished or miss labeled as finished. Still trying to get base features implemented, but when I get the chance I'll go back and add proper warnings as well as adding them to a list of things to be finished/polished.  

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